If you’re concerned that your taxes are not being dealt with properly, don’t be. In fact, the IRS offers e-filing and it can save you a ton of time. E-filing is tax preparation on your part by using certain software programs designed for this purpose. The process of filing taxes online is getting more popular for several reasons, including:
It’s convenient. E-filing saves you time from running all over the place in search of information. Instead, you just log onto the web and accomplish this task. When you receive your notification that your return is being electronically filed, you don’t have to go down to the tax department to get a hold of them, as most tax department have e-mail addresses and are easily accessible on the web. You also won’t have to wait for your tax department to get back to you to ask for any further clarification on a return due date or to make a quick pay.
It’s secure. Many people fear that using the Internet to file their federal tax returns is insecure because hackers can obtain and steal their personal information. But that is the very thing that makes using the tax department’s Web file web site secure – individuals can’t use your financial or personal information except under strict security measures. Therefore, if you do need to send an e-mail to the tax department to request additional information or have a return sent to a bank account, it’s there and secure.
It’s fast. A traditional paper tax return takes weeks before it is processed and sent to a bank account, and that’s even if you’ve done it by hand. But with e-filed tax returns, your refund may arrive within days. And it’s easy to request additional refunds, which means more money in your pocket!
It’s convenient. The e-filing portal is easy to use and has plenty of features that will increase your productivity as a taxpayer. There are electronic checklists that let you create, update and maintain your tax records before they’re sent to your bank account. There are templates for journal entries, federal tax forms, state tax forms and receipts, income tax refund forms, and numerous other options for working with the system. You can work in your own personal account without having to share your password or give access to anyone else in the tax department.
It’s secure. When filing your federal income tax returns electronically, the information you provide to the tax software programs is encrypted, so hackers won’t be able to use your personal information to file fraudulent claims. With this encryption, the data you provide is not only safe from identity theft, but from the loss of your employment and the inability to repay the fraudulent claim, which could happen if the Internal Revenue Service finds out that you didn’t file all your income tax returns. The majority of the popular electronic tax filing programs have built-in fraud protection for this reason.
It’s convenient. Most people know how to fill out a tax form, so you probably won’t need help. However, some situations dictate that you might not know how to complete a particular section of the income tax return, so an e-filing program can be very helpful. If you’re uncertain about a tax section or unsure about the tax tables, you can simply go to the website of one of the many companies offering e-filing services and take advantage of their e-filing assistance. Most programs allow you to make changes and resubmit your income tax returns.
E-filing saves time. An e-file program is designed to take care of the entire process of filing your income tax return, from beginning to end, whereas in paper filing, you only have a few options on how to prepare and file your documents. You don’t need to waste time trying to navigate your way through a mountain of paper documents, and the chances are slim that you’ll forget something important. Most e-filers allow you to file up to five years in state and local tax liens in one sitting, whereas paper tax return filing usually requires at least three.